Price Grid
Price Schedule Valid From:
Price Schedule Valid Until:
- HS Carcase Weight
- Dent
- ButtShape
- Price
- Fat Score
- 200-299
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- Applies to all categories
- 300-349
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 0 – 10 Standard
- 350-399
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 11 – 19 Less 0.10c
- 400-PLUS
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 20+ Less 0-20c
- HS Carcase Weight
- Dent
- ButtShape
- Price
- Fat Score
- 100-129
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 0 - 10 Standard
- 130-149
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 11 - 15 Less 0.05c
- 150-199
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 16-20 Less 0.10c
- 200-249
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 21 - 30 Less 0.20c
- 250-279
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 31 - 50 Less 0.40c
- 280-319
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
- 51 - Plus Less 0.60c
- 320-PLUS
- 0-8
- A-E
- 0.00
P: 02 6452 1783
Terms and Conditions
All payments will be made 5 working days from date of processing.
All cattle must be accompanied by a current version of the LPA national vendor declaration form (Code C0413) and be fitted with NLIS tags or boluses.
All cattle deemed suspects by AQIS vet will be deducted 30 cents per kilo.
All emergency kills (EK) will result in a price deduction to the HSCW.
No cattle on consignment will be accepted if still in their E.S.I. following their treatment with veterinary drug or chemicals.
This schedule becomes null and void upon discovery of BSE and FMD in Australia.
Cattle to be delivered by 1.00pm the day before processing.
This grid is GST exclusive.
Livestock buyers
Daniel Brock: Forbes / Cowra / Central Tablelands / Western District NSW – 0421 045 753
Hamish Mackenzie: Shepparton / Echuca / Wagga – 0419 291 430
Patrick Ferguson: Toowoomba, Roma, Dalby, QLD - 0407 477 255
Kevin Tangye: Moss Vale / Camden – 0418 482 558
Bob Watts: Goulburn / Yass / Harden / Cootamundra – 0428 628 446
Darren Goff: East Gippsland – 0408 388 061
David Ferguson: North-North-Western NSW – 0429 457 678
Garry McCorkell: Wodonga / Benalla – 0428 375 940
Geoff Scholes: Glen Innes, Tenterfield, Inverell, Armidale - 0418 296 882
David Payne: Hunter Valley NSW - 0409 920 561
David Gillett: Grafton/Casiono - 0427 421 587
Gary Nelson: Nowra - 0412 429 320
Warren Murray: Mid North Coast - 0459 134 557
CURFEW: 1pm day before processing. This schedule is GST exclusive.